172 pages, 11" x 9", Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-9792431-2-7
Review in the StarNews
Another review in the StarNews
Review in the State Port Pilot
Television interview - WWAY TV3, January 22, 2014
State Port Pilot
December 11, 2013
Jim Harper - Staff Writer
"Art Newton provided us with our most vivid visual memories of the last mid-century. His photographic work is quite familiar, as presented in the Pilot’s “Way It Was” collection as well as frequently in our weekly feature, but Art Newton was a man of many artistic parts, and it is so good that someone has brought together a collection of his paintings, illustrations and commercial work for the community to appreciate. It provides a colorful representation of the way we were, at least for a couple decades."
Link to original article.
Southport's Art Newton
by Thomas J. Harrelson
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About the Author
Thomas J. Harrelson
Thomas J. “Tommy” Harrelson lives in Southport where he went to school for 10 years before finishing high school at Campbell Junior College. He earned an AB in Economics from UNC-Chapel Hill, an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and studied abroad for a year at the Università di Roma. Tommy worked for a few years in New York City and Basel, Switzerland before returning to Southport to join the family retail business. He served two terms in the North Carolina House of Representatives and in the administration of Governor Jim Martin as Secretary of Transportation. He also worked as a management consultant, in government affairs and as an executive for a major engineering firm.
His other published works are “Partnering in Italy and Spain” in The Military Engineer and an NCHRP Study “State Departments of Transportation-Strategies for Change” (as co-author with Dr. Tom Larson and Dr. Gorman Gilbert.)
Tommy is married to Julie Ann Harrelson and has two step-daughters and two grandchildren. Tommy and Julie are active in St. Philips Episcopal Church.
contact: thomasharrelson@aol.com |