Each print order is ammended a fee of $12.35 shipping / handling / tax at PayPal site

15 x 32

Local shrimp boat with detailed rigging.
This piece can be matched to a complimentary print - Miss Betty.

Ocean Plaza Ballroom
36 x 24 & 19 x 13

Birththplace of the shag. Played host to many famous musicians - Jerry Lee Lewis, Chubby Checker and numerous famous Beach Music bands. An excellent example of Art Deco architechture.

4.26.06 Demolition of the Ocean Plaza is complete. Building totally destroyed by bulldozer.

Read more on the history of the OP.

$150.00 large

$55.00 small

One way...no head ons
24 x 16

The bumper cars at the Boardwalk. Little chariots - colorful, crashing and full of electricity (literally). A mainstay of the amusements that make up the boardwalk. I can almost smell the ozone....


The old drug store
14 x 10

Back when you could order an orangeade and grilled cheese.


Net man
8.5 x 14

Local fisherman hauling in his catch.


Joy Lee Apartments
30 x 21

It is registered in the National Register of Historic places because of it's unique design - and has never been owned by anyone other than the builder and designer - Grover Lewis and his family. They also continue to manage it.


Frying Pan Tower
12.5 x 18.5

Guarding against ship wrecks at the tip of Cape Fear. Serves as navigation aid, weather station and fish reef.


Ponca 1
12.5 x 18.5

A moonlit night. The last of the old time "Juke" joints at Seabreeze. Sadly silent.


Ponca 2
11 x 17

Clouding up. The last of the old time "Juke" joints at Seabreeze. 


Sea Hawk II & Cape Romain
12.5 x 18.5

Shrimp boats at dock in Carolina Beach.


Miss Betty
15 x 32

Majestic and very large shrimp boat at Carolina Beach. This piece can be matched to a complimentary print - Brandy.


The Cottage Restaurant
14 x 11

Historic building that now houses The Cottage Restaurant. Listed in the State registry of historic landmarks.


Steel Pier
18.5 x 12.5

The end of the old steel fishing pier. Once owned and operated by the Bames. Pier was once outfitted with a chair lift "ride". 


Old Town Hall
17 x 11

Our distinguished and beautiful town hall for more that 40 years. Hurricane Fran finally took its toll and it was demolished in 2000. Art Deco architechture.


Ricky Lee
14 x 11

Four fisherman in a vintage Simmons skiff.



Go to Daniel Ray Norris - Photography


SlapDash Publishing, LLC • 625 Hickory Point Road • Hampstead, NC 28443 • 910 232-0604 • slapdashpub@me.com