The Complete Story of Topsey the Blind
Sea Turtle

by Nancy Land McCurtin

206 pp., 7.5" x 9.25"
Available in hard cover and other formats.
ISBN: 978-1-7378230-8-7

B&N Hardcover
B&N eBook
Kobo eBook
Kindle eBook
KDP paperback
Apple iBook
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Nancy McCurtin

Nancy became blind in April of 2016 and found it very difficult to begin a new life as an older person who is completely blind. Nancy struggled with daily activities of food, clothing, not being able to drive to the store, etc., - all those things we take for granted.

As Nancy learned how to cope with life at a much slower pace, Nancy thought about the Children’s tale “The Tortoise and the Hare”. She used to be the Hare, darting around to do volunteer activities, babysitting her grandchildren, etc. Now she feels like the Tortoise, who has to take one slow step at a time.

She decided to tell the story of her new life, through the life of Topsey the Sea Turtle, who became completely blind.

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Congratulations Nancy!

Nancy McCurtin wins WILMA Magazine's 2018 Women to Watch - Arts Category

Local artist Nancy McCurtin paints and has written a children’s book about one determined sea turtle named Topsey. Like Topsey, McCurtin has learned how to navigate daily life after losing her vision. She became blind in 2016, but before then had taken art classes with Cheryl Crane-Hunter. Crane-Hunter helped McCurtin continue her love of painting with the help of adapted materials. The two launched Topsail Island Visions ( ), which offers products to help others with differing abilities also pursue their art. McCurtin published the first of a three-book series about Topsey called How Topsey Lost His Vision, published by the local imprint SlapDash Publishing. Others books are expected to follow.   
(from WILMA magazine)


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